
Friday, August 12, 2016


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Hi and welcome to the planet's first ever worldwide support group for stroke and brain injury survivors.

My name is Aaron Avila and I'm also creator of the global movement called Second Chance Stroke Survivors Worldwide .

I'm feeling inspired to create this support group to join together that which has always been separate. Stroke and Brain Injury survivors.

Why? Because over the last few years I've learned that stroke and brain injury survivors have almost identical deficits.

In fact on many occasions I've met what I assumed were stroke survivors because their deficits were identical to mine only to learn later they were traumatic brain injury survivors.

I am feeling compelled to create this group so we now can come together and offer help and support to each other going through what I believe is one of the hardest life events a person on planet earth can go through, brain injury!

I want all members to know they don't have to feel alone or isolated. There are 1,000's of people around the world just like them.

My dream is for each member to be extremely active in helping their fellow brain injured human being with the many issues surrounding that individual's brain injured life.

NO ONE can offer the heartfelt understanding to anyone suffering from a brain injury like another human being with a brain injury also.

Peeps listen, I have learned as we reach out and help others, that same positive energy you put out comes back to you 10 fold. As we help our fellow human being in need, we in turn receive an extremely powerful energy back and our own tragedy becomes our purpose to help our fellow man. When we rise above our plight to help someone else to recover we ourselves help our own recovery.

To offer support to their family and friends. You see, to me, the family and friends of a brain injury survivor is a type of survivor.

Stroke brain burning out ............. more later

Founder Aaron Avila

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