
Never the same by Randy Terry

My peeps around the world,

I personally have known Randy Terry on Facebook for awhile now. Very humble yet in my eyes a very powerful and inspirational man!

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My words I use to describe "Never The Same"


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Never the same by Randy Terry

So many times I hear I want my life back, Said it myself, made myself miserable. Now 6 yrs post stroke I see I will never get the old life back it's impossible. The trials of this stroke and recovery has changed my life forever and for the good..

I am a survivor and the things I have learned about life will not allow me to return to the old..Sure some of the things I loved doing are gone but I have adapted to change not easy but no choice.

For the first few years of this I played that pity thing mad at the world, why me. One day got up ,tired of this got to be a better life after stroke. Put the wheelchair in corner picked up walker and started this hard work. Soon I was on cane doing the same thing ,it is not easy by no means but guess what not only was I walking but I felt proud that's why you hear me say "Stand Tall And Proud.. "It's not a secret hid from you its what you want out of life. Do not waste your time in this place its very lonely and nothing there to gain but misery. I am no writer ,not smarter than you, it takes time to heal, just got to get that brain thinking right and get up and get it done. Time is on your side you got plenty of it so don't think it's got to all come at once. Work slow and steady it will come.. rt.


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