
Friday, July 1, 2016


Brother's and sister,

I have no clue if any of you read all I Tweet you? But I know if I believe God can lead your eyes here he will!

For like you, I believe we serve a God that uses his almighty power to steer all mankind's lives!

So as you may or may not know, I survived a major brain aneurysm and two weeks later a major stroke. (My Story)

In my near death experience God himself gave me a choice to live with untold pain or escape all my suffering and chose death. (My near death experience)

I am so so grateful I chose to live! Oh yes, the heartache and pain is never ending and intense but the truth I've learned about all mankind's existence including my own on planet earth is so worth a cataclysmic stroke and all the suffering that goes with it.

Now, a couple things I want to say.

Yesterday I had an "Ah Ha" moment Oprah!

I realize my stroke removed the walls to what's possible and what's not.

God literally can still part the Red Sea if he wants!

The only thing keeping God from parting the Red Sea in a person's life is they don't believe God really can perform miracles in lives to date. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!  Luke 13:8 Therefore the reason God doesn't do obvious miracles today like yesteryear is mankind stop believing and expecting God to! 

Mmmmm! Interesting! I'm starting to preach! Who would have thunk it? lol

So I was also thinking if you Oprah, DeVon, T.D., Joel and I (God and I are going to build a multimillion dollar company so I can help some day) WATCH!

If we all join forces we will be able to help stroke survivors who are suffering worldwide. What do you think?

I was hoping Jeffrey Hayzlett would help me build my multimillion dollar company but I think I spooked him with a way excited over the top question and favor.
 Darn no wall stroke brain I think did it! If any of you know Jeff please call him and tell him I'm okay. Please?

Here's the company God's inspired me to create!

Please please understand I am a spiritual infant in need of guidance!

I only want to fulfill my God given and powerful destiny.

By faith I believe you're reading this!

Stay awesome peeps!

Aaron Avila

P.s. Unless otherwise agreed upon all communications are strictly confidential.

You can email me at (Click here)

I have so much to share!

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