
Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Hi peeps!

This will make it to my book someday! Aaron's Stroke Chronicles.

As most of you know, I love Oprah Winfrey and Super Soul Sunday! Also checkout Super Soul TV.

Every episode of Super Soul Sunday, Oprah asks her guest, "why do you think man's here"? 

"What do you think the human experience all about"?

Glad you asked Oprah! lol

First you need to be aware who you truly are humans!

I believe man's only purpose is to learn true spiritual love!
We (mankind) are all undergoing spiritual training on how to truly love.

Why is the human body needed for this love training?

My opinion when you contain or confine a spiritual boundless being in a mortal, temporal body, the only way to show love is by physically showing or doing something for another human being.

Sorry my stroke brain is having difficulty finding words.

There is only one example of this given to mankind.

Jesus was a perfect example of a spiritual being housed in a fleshly body. 

John 1:14
(New Living Translation)

Jesus the son of God, like mankind was a spiritual being made or put inside the frail mortal confines of human flesh.

John 15:13Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

How many of us parents would in heartbeat lay down or sacrifice our own lives to save our child?

I would hope all parents! 
(I would hope all parents wouldn't ever be faced with this type of life event)

The soldiers who willingly fight and many have laid down their life for our great country? (U.S.A) 

Why would one human lay down their own life for another?

What would cause any human being to die so another might live?

Only one the most powerful forces on planet earth!


What's my conclusion?

More later peeps! Stroke Brain burnt out

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