
Friday, February 26, 2016


What's on Aaron's Mind 

So peeps! 

I'm talking to a less than two year old sister stroke survivor back East and she said "My life is terrible! I wish I didn't survive! "Then it came clear to me". 

All the similar conversations I've had with countless stroke survivors from around the world all have a common thread! 

The hopeless stroke survivors don't have a to their core gratefulness.


They all lost a heart filled with a deep gratitude for their lives here on planet earth!

I explained to her I can help her. 

You see, I was given a powerful gift with my second chance.

I was given a gift to help stroke survivors just like her.

I have seen numerous times, hopeless stroke survivors filled with hope! Stroke survivors who hate their life, set free! And love their life again!

I have heard the most powerful words ever said to me.

"You saved my life"! 

Is it just me, or is that off the hook powerful?

So I told the sister I was going to give some homework. 

Pick 3 things you're gratefull for. 

She immediately gave me 3! 

See, gratefulness was right there the whole time! 

She just needed to look away from the "blinding darkness" to be able to see gratefulness standing there ready to wrap her warm loving arms around her!

Just look away from the blinding darkness and you will see her also, waiting to breath the love of life in you once again stroke survivors.

Like she has for me!

Gratefulness is the key to go from stroke survivor to stroke warrior!

Sending love energy your way!

Stroke survivor Aaron.

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